Hi, I’m Destiny Dykes .

If you are like me you most likely have many goals in life you want to reach and accomplish. Accomplishing goals is easy but sometimes you need the experience before you can start living out that goal. This done by making yourself more appealing to employers. I’m here to help you accomplish that goal.

I was born and raised in a small town in Georgia. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business and my Masters is in Leadership. I have a strong passion for serving and helping those around her. I started DPWS because the joy of writing and creating professional documents for individuals across the world sparks a joy that is unexplainable. I’m not just dedicated to writing for others but helping them make their first impression their best impression.


When you SPEAK things as if they are already so, and BELIEVE that it is already yours, you are already LIVING IT. Every goal is already accomplished and every dream is already your reality.


As you speak do not DOUBT. Believe that what you are speaking is on its way to you. Prepare for the opportunity. BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE.


Live everyday as if what you desire is already here. Its your reality.


Speak those things into existence. Let them flow out your mouth daily.